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TRB Token: The Native Currency of Trabajosonline 💰

What is TRB Token?

At Trabajosonline, we aim to revolutionize the way payments and freelancer hires are done, which is why we have created the TRB Token. This native ERC-20 token will facilitate all transactions within our platform, allowing the use of TRB to cover any fee or payment, including:

  • Posting job offers.
  • Payment of fees in freelancer jobs.
  • Community rewards.
  • Airdrops, and more.

Discount Rate*

The use of TRB on our platform comes with discount rates, benefiting our users for adopting and using our currency for their transactions.

Discount Rate Details for TRB Token

To facilitate payments on our platform and promote the use of TRB Token, we offer attractive discount rates over several years. Below is the discount structure detailed:

Discount Rate1st year2nd year3rd year
4th year5th year6th year7th year...

This discount structure is designed to benefit early adopters and loyal users of TRB, thus promoting a vibrant and active ecosystem on Trabajosonline.

Token Features

Token Allocation: The distribution of our tokens has been carefully planned to ensure the sustainable development of the platform and active community participation. Here is a breakdown of the token distribution:

AllocationAmount (M TRB)Percentage of Total
Angels and Investors20M10%
Employees and Consultants10M5%
Icodrops, Airdrops, Rewards5M2.5%

Total and Maximum Supply: 200M TRB
Token Price: €0.01/TRB

Use of Funds

The funds raised through the token sale will be essential for financing the continuous development of Trabajosonline and the expansion of our community. The distribution will be as follows:

  • 60% for platform development, system improvements, staffing, training, and development budget.
  • 20% for marketing and promotion of the Trabajosonline brand.
  • 20% reserved for emergencies or unforeseen situations.

Be One of Our Early Investors

As one of the early investors, you will have the unique opportunity to support and be part of the growth of our platform and the evolution of our Marketplace for freelancers with web3 integration.

Round I - Investment Information

  • Status: Active
  • Start Date: July 1
  • End Date: September 15
  • Vesting Start: November 15
  • Discount: Exclusive benefits for investors in this round.
  • Token Price, Tokens Sold in Round: For more details, contact us.

Interested in Round I and in the issuance of the TRB token? Send an email with the subject "Round I. I am interested in the issuance of the TRB token" to [email protected] expressing your interest, and a member of our team will contact you.